Literature Reviews on Inclusion

Review by Harvard academics in 2016.
It looks at both the short and life-long impacts of inclusive education.
Review (2017) from Swift Schools.
Review of Reviews 2008.
Extensive review going back to 1964 that covered every review of inclusion versus segregation to that point. No study was found where the outcomes of segregation were better than inclusion.
Meta-analysis of 24 studies.
Showed highly significant impact of inclusion on academic performance.
Effect on other students
This meta-analysis of 47 studies covering nearly 5 million students showed a small positive effect on the academic outcomes of students without disability when sharing a classroom with students with disability.
Matched groups comparison.
Results indicated that students in the general education classrooms had a significant, large effect size as compared with their pairs in separate classrooms on several variables. In addition, students in the general education classrooms demonstrated highly significant levels of progress as compared with the students in separate classrooms.
Further examples.
Links to further examples as well as a huge amount of useful information for teachers and families can be found at the website of allmeansall ( Research information at