Useful Links

(all these addresses have been checked March 2021) Site of the Australian Alliance for Inclusive Education. The website has ‘toolboxes’ for teachers and parents with lots of useful information on inclusion. The site also is linked to Facebook groups for families (School Inclusion Parent Network – SIPN); for teachers (School Inclusion Network for Educators – SINE – that has over 1500 teachers collaborating and sharing information on inclusion), and for academics (Academic Network for Inclusion Educators – ANIE). A newly formed national coalition of advocacy and other groups that share a commitment to inclusive education for all students with disability. Children and Young People with Disability Australia. Very active group doing a lot of work and research around inclusive education. Good resources. looks at the representation of people with disability in the media and under swjincluded has numerous very thoughtful articles on school inclusion and related matters. Highly recommended.
Family Advocacy is an independent, disability advocacy organisation which works across New South Wales, Australia. The organisation works with families in which there is a child or an adult with developmental disability. Very positive values-based organisation strongly supporting inclusion.
Site of the National Council on Intellectual Disability, publisher of Interaction.
The Community Resource Unit (CRU) is a non-profit organisation based in Brisbane that conducts training events all over Queensland as well as supporting individuals and families in the State. CRU has been one of the leading organisations in supporting inclusion and community belonging, as well as supporting many new and innovative initiatives to increaser individual and family control of services.
There have been some major policy developments in Queensland bring it into line with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Peole with Disability (CRPD) that the Australian Government has ratified. Currently (2020) the most progressive State in terms of policy and some schools have done great work around inclusion.
Victorian Education Website. If you search for ‘inclusion’ it comes up with information and links for parents and schools.
Huge educational resource of particular interest to teachers.
Canadian inclusion site. Has some links, information and resources for sale.
Website of Michael Kendrick. Many great papers to download. For those who are interested in life after school in particular and deeper issues in human services. Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Great starter for teachers and others wanting to learn what UDL is and how it can be incorporated in all classrooms so that ALL students can be included in the same lesson.
Let’s ban the average. Great Ted talk on how teaching to the average hurts everyone.
Please advise if you wish to have other links added, or if there are problems with any of these links.