
For details on services and costs contact us at or 0407667108.
For Families
Psychology type services.
We can assist with:building skills through analysing tasks and systematic teaching. This can be in self help skills, school preparation skills and work skills.
- Assisting with difficult behaviour at home or in the society.
- Attending school meetings with families to negotiate partnerships and positive approaches.
- Writing reports for agencies or schools. Note that we do not administer IQ or other ability tests due to their history of limiting expectations and facilitating segregation. We do carry out skills based testing such as reading assessments, environmental assessments and clinically based assessments.
For Schools
Schools are having to adjust to a very different environment to last century when many of us were trained. Societal expectations have changed markedly and accepting all students into the mainstream classroom and lesson is required by law, regardless of disability or other differences. Inevitably many schools and individual teachers struggle, which often results in conflict with families and deterioration in the behaviour of students. We can assist by:
- Workshops on a large range of areas such as including all students in the same lesson, Universal design for learning, what brain research tells us about including ‘difficult’ students.
- Assistance in building literacy in your school.
- Consultancy on a wide range of issues such as working with families, building an inclusive school where all belong and succeed and working with individual students.
- For more information, click here
For Agencies
A wide range of services such as workshops, staff mentoring, assessments, vision building, working with families etc. For more information click here