For Agencies

What we can do
- Staff Training
- Workshops
- Mentoring for skills development in planning, working with families etc.
- Very often support workers and other staff have had little or no life experience of growing up with peers with a disability and would have rarely shared the same classroom due to our tradition of segregation. Despite this they are often asked to help people make life decisions that can have a profound effect on their future. If they can be assisted in this process of assisting people to achieve valued roles and access an ordinary life, their effectiveness can be multiplied. The alternative is staff continuing to guide people to segregated and congregated options.
- Service evaluation
- We provide a service evaluation service where the service is evaluated in its effectiveness in meeting the fundamental needs of the people it serves. This is done using a format of model coherency where all of the aspects of the service from principles and underlying assumptions through to service detail are evaluated in relation to the fundamental needs of the people being served.
- Developing a Model Coherent service.
- Starting with the fundamental beliefs and values of the service, the service model is systematically constructed to be powerful and coherent with the stated values. Based on Wolfensberger’s concpets of model coherency.