Rethinking behaviour: What brain research is telling us about working with behaviour in the classroom.

Since the 1980’s in particular there has been an explosion of brain research showing how the brain works in different situations.

This research is having a profound impact on our understanding of behaviour and how it can be altered.  In particular, the critical development of self control has been shown to be a complex process starting from our earliest interactions, but it cannot be assumed that it will develop naturally.

This is particularly the case with some students with a disability who may in fact have learned to be more helpless than they need be, and some students from a disturbed family background.

Unfortunately, many of our common methods of behaviour management in schools may be inhibiting the growth of this key characteristic by pushing behaviour such as bullying underground where it is very hard to counter.

In this workshop practical strategies will be discussed that can assist in the development of self control in students and a more positive environment for all.  It starts with an explanation of how the brain works  and why a deep knowledge of the student is needed to understand fundamental needs that may not be being met, resulting in inappropriate means to achieve this.  Research on the impact of positive behaviour change strategies will be emphasised.

(Half or one day workshop.  Opportunities to problem solve difficult behaviours).

Working with individuals.

We also will work with individuals around difficult behaviour.  The approach is based on getting to know the individual person in terms of their history and current situation to derive information about likely areas of fundamental needs that are not being met and looking for socially appropriate ways for the individual to have those needs met.  The emphasis is strongly on building self control, removing barriers and positive, supportive intervention.  Behaviour plans can be done within the NDIS framework.  Contact us for more information.